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Cell and Developmental Biologist


Burroughs Wellcome Fund  Post Doctoral Enrichment Program Fellow (PI)

WashU Rita Levi-Montalcini  Postdoctoral Fellow in Regenerative Medicine

2021 - Present: Post Doc Fellow, Orthopaedic Research



2016 - 2021:  Ph.D.

Cell and Developmental Biology



2011 - 2015: B.S.

Cell Biology, UGA

Future Clayton Laboratory

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I am currently on the job market searching for tenure track faculty positions. I utilize mouse and chick models and techniques such as single cell sequencing, live-cell lineage tracking, and flow cytometry to determine the cellular and mechanistic regulation of spinal development and connective tissue repair to discover regenerative therapies. Please use this website to contact me and learn more about my research, teaching, and service endeavors.

video: 12hrs of live cell imaging of the developing spine in E4.5 chick embryos using lineage tracer dyes (Clayton et al 2022).

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

― Maya Angelou


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